Patanegra de Bellota "Cinta Negra"

Patanegra de Bellota "Cinta Negra"

by Garrudo


Pork shoulder ham 100% Iberian breed
2.5 kg boneless shovel

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COD: GRDES01PTNCN01 Categorie: ,
Patanegra de Bellota “Cinta Negra”

Reviewed by


The Alchemist

According to Spanish legislation, each Iberian pig is marked with a seal placed on the ankle of the still living animal which distinguishes the purity of the breed. The black seal, or cinta negra in Spanish, indicates that both the father and mother are of pure Iberian race. Bellota (which means acorn in Spanish) means that the pig has grazed in the wild, feeding exclusively on acorns, pasture and wild herbs. Thanks to these conditions, Patanegra Cinta nera shoulder ham has meat rich in vitamins E and B, unsaturated fats (good cholesterol) and minerals. The shoulder of animals raised in the wild is less meaty than the thigh, but tastier thanks to the greater tone of the muscles due to the continuous movement in search of food. It has a very intense and particular flavor and has the characteristic of melting in the mouth. It is a more than exceptional product, it is the best ham in the world!

Patanegra ham is an incomparable taste-olfactory experience that is difficult to forget, its meat is intense red in color and has infiltrations of pinkish-white fat which give it an intense, extremely deep and long flavour.
It is obtained from Iberian 100% breed pigs raised in freedom in the nature reserves of the south-western region of Spain, with a vegetal diet based mainly on acorns. The result is a meat with extraordinary nutritional properties, rich in B vitamins, vitamin E and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium, as well as unsaturated fats, the so-called "good" cholesterol. It also has a much higher concentration of essential amino acids per gram of protein than meat from other breeds. Finally, thanks to the proteolysis process that occurs during maturation, the digestibility index reaches levels that oscillate between 85% and 100%.
The aging, which goes from 24 to 30 months, guarantees an elegant, refined and at the same time intense and persistent aroma.


Shoulder (paleta) boned of 2,5 kg

Preparation time

Average nutritional values per 100 g

Energy 375 kcal
Fat 22.4 g
Carbohydrates 0,10 g
Protein 43.2 g
Sodium 1110 mg
Phosphorus 157.5 mg
Vitamin B12 15.68 µg
Vitamin E 11 µg
Calcium 27.08 mg
Iron 3.35 mg
Magnesium 157.5 mg
Potassium 153 mg

Method of conservation

Store at a temperature of 10-18 °C and cover the peeling of the ham with one
kitchen rag or a lot of cardboard

Tasting tips

Serve at 21-23 °C, cut the shoulder into thin slices that melt in your mouth; do not pile the slices on the plate to avoid them sticking to each other

Recommended combinations

Excellent with bread, tomato and olive oil; We recommend pairing with the following wines: prosecco, sparkling wine, champagne, light and young wines, reserve and crianza red wines. Sweet wines and wines with strong fruity and floral notes are not recommended.


Shipments of perishable products, which need to be stored at a controlled temperature, are made on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. For orders placed from Thursday to Sunday, the shipment will take place in the following week, in order to avoid stocks on Saturday and Sunday and the consequent risk of alteration of the food.




Qual è il prosciutto crudo più famoso e buono al mondo?
Noi in Italia abbiamo dei fantastici e rinomati prosciutti, ma se parliamo del "Prosciutto" per eccellenza, dobbiamo ahimè mettere da parte i campanilismi e rivolgere lo sguardo al cuore della penisola iberica e precisamente alla catena montuosa Sierra de Gredos y Bejar tra le province di Avila e Salamanca. In questa zona della Spagna centro-occidentale la produzione di prosciutto di Patanegra risale ben al XVI secolo e oggi come allora i suini pascolano liberi nella "deseha", un bosco di lecci e querce, dove si nutrono di ghiande (bellotas), pascolo ed erbe aromatiche. La loro alimentazione naturale, il grasso nei muscoli per il continuo movimento e la purezza di questa razza di origine selvaggia e mediterranea rendono i prosciutti Patanegra unici per sapore, profumo e consistenza.
Noi siamo andati a scovare ad Avila la migliore azienda produttrice di prosciutti, la Garrudo Benito S.L., un'azienda familiare pluripremiata che da generazioni si dedica alla lavorazione di carni suine sia Iberico (Patanegra) che Serrano, seguendo un rigidissimo protocollo di garanzia di
qualità. Nel 2016 il loro Patanegra è stato proclamato "el mejor jamón iberico de bellota".
