Specialty Coffee Colombia

Specialty Coffee Colombia

by Fusari coffee


Specialty Coffee Colombia

single origin Colombia, a fine coffee, very pleasant in taste sweet papaya with its intense aroma of honey.

Species Arabica variety Castle altitude 1500 masl


Pack of 250 g




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Specialty Coffee Colombia

Tasted by


The Explorer

for those who want to discover a world of tastes and all their nuances by savoring the best selections and processes, the single origins will offer an experience of tastes and aromas to be discovered, each with its own nuances.

When you enter the Caffè Fusari artisan workshop you feel like you have done is a real blast from the past in search of the scents and aromas of coffee what you take with taste. Fusari Master roaster heart and soul of the laboratory says: dal 2001 the laboratory we roast for true passion coffee of excellence from all over the world with conventional and organic blends e 50 specialty coffees: for single-origin Chinese, Specialty Coffee Colombia Ubeimar Florez Henao Antioquia

A great project that of specialty coffees and rare coming from all over the world 100% single origin which are toasted when ordered real fresh excellence practically freshly toasted. Unique and special coffees, each with its own history and identity, a tale of taste each with a special identity card that can describe them to give you and accompany you in a delicious taste.

the Master roaster with more than twenty years of experience, he pays great attention to the most critical moments throughout the process, such as during the roasting phase, a fundamental step in which respect for the raw material is at the center of the entire process, here the we roast it slowly, clear to bring out all the nuances and dedicated at the single single origin and atorder and strictly by hand.

Specialty Coffe Colombia Ubeimar Florez Henao Antioquia single origin one of the most precious in the world. A Premium microlot, special of only 8.7 hectares cultivated to Antioquia, here Hubeimar has been cultivating his great passion for coffee since he was a child, always present in his plantation, which he called Florez, La Primavera, to personally check the lots by collecting and stripping the beans only when they are perfectly ripe, to produce the highest quality of coffee possible.

The day following the first harvest, a second harvest was harvested, de-pulped and mixed with the previous one, and so on the following day, for a total of three days. On the fourth day he washed it and finally dried it for another four days. The result is undoubtedly one of a kind and all to taste.

This very special microlot microlot it's a washed coffee, available in limited quantities that comes fermented with a method particular for 72 hours.


A aroma delightful of honey and raisins. The taste from yellow fruits and fragrant  papaya.

  • Origin: Colombia
  • Botanical species: Arabica
  • Variety: Castillo
  • Sieve: 17/18
  • Altitude: 1,500 masl
  • Manufacturing process: Washed, Long Fermentation 72 hr

Classification: PREMIUM




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Single Origin Ground Moka 250 g, Ground Espresso 250 g, In Beans 250 g

Preparation time


Method of Conservation

store in a cool, dry place away from humidity.


see label

Caffè Fusari

"Benvenuto passato" è il motto che contraddistingue i valori del Caffè Fusari, entrare nel laboratorio artigianale Caffè Fusari è come fare un tuffo nel passato alla ricerca dei profumi e degli aromi del caffè quello che si prendeva con gusto, il laboratorio si trova vicino Verona e qui ogni giorno con grande passione si porta avanti l’artigianalità della torrefazione: i caffè vengono selezionati, tostati e confezionati a mano proprio come una volta per garantirne la migliore qualità.

Here the whole family is committed to carrying out thecoffee craftsmanship, a passion that is handed down from father to son and is immediately perceived as soon as they meet, the story of how coffee comes first chosen at the origin, selected in all the way and how it is worked with care and love is truly exciting. Fusari Master roaster personally takes care of the whole process with great attention to the most critical moments such as during the toasting moment, a fundamental step in which respect for the raw material is at the center of the entire process, as he himself states: we toast with meticulousness, precision and care to maximize the aromatic qualities. A pure coffee without the addition of chemicals, keeping their qualities and characteristics intact.

Fusari coffee is not only quality, it is also synonym of freshness, each bag comes prepared to order and the coffee is toasted and packaged al moment!

Organic Fusari Coffee earned us the title of Excellence in the guide The excellence of Italian roasting companies, selected by Gabriella Baiguera - author, coffee expert and Slow Food Italia Master of Food Coffee trainer - for the guide of De 'Longhi.
