Spakkimi Pistachio Crunchy

Spakkimi Pistachio Crunchy

by Bacchus


Spakkimi Pistachio Crunchy

It is a very tasty crunchy pistachio dessert, with light and crunchy sheets, the delicious snack for every sweet moment!

Accompany him to spoon desserts!

Pack of 100 g

The Sicilian Snack!
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See also the other products of Bacchus

COD: BCCCT01512 Categorie: ,
Croccante di Pistacchio Spakkimi

Reviewed by


The Alchemist

Spakkimi is a very tasty crunchy pistachio dessert. It is reminiscent of nougat, of which it is a reinterpretation, but it is lighter and very crumbly. On its own it is a delicious and delicious snack, but also try it cut into triangles to accompany ice cream or mousses.

The quality of Bacchus meets traditional recipes par excellence and enriches them with the unmistakable flavor and aroma of pistachio, here in Sicilian land famous for the quality of its pistachios every day these precious fruits are worked with passion, a product that comes harvested strictly by hand every two yearsworked to make delicious creations here the Spakkimi Pistachio Crunchy 

Spakkimi Pistachio Crunchy 

We are in Bronte, the pistachio town par excellence. Here the pistachios are harvested by hand and the company takes care of them check the entire supply chain: from harvesting, to processing and to the finished product. The precious and exceptional dried fruit harvested on the slopes of Etna meets all the wisdom of manual work, handed down by tradition.

Qui il pistacchio si fa sfoglia croccante dal gusto wow! E’ lo Sicilian snack for excellence! sweet and crumbly with an intense flavour, it is suitable for any occasion. The Sicilian crunchy che affonda le radici nella tradizione del torrone. Sapiente rielaborazione dell’azienda di una ricetta tradizionale per renderlo piacevole da sgranocchiare in ogni pausa della giornata. E’ un croccante dolce a sfoglie leggere e friabili caratterizzato dall’intenso sapore del pistacchio.

Buono così in ogni momento della giornata. Perfetto per una pausa dolce con gusto!

A journey of taste to the heart of Sicily and the fruits of its land. Tastes of Sicily!



Preparation time


PISTACHIO 50 %, glucose syrup, non-hydrogenated vegetable fats, whole MILK powder, sugar, dextrose, emulsifier: SOY lecithin


Milk, pistachio, soy


It may contain traces of other nuts (hazelnuts and almonds), flours with gluten and eggs

Average nutritional values per 100 g

Energy 2338 kJ / 562 kcal
Fat 38 g
of which saturated fatty acids 6.9 g
Carbohydrates 43 g
of which sugars 27 g
Fiber 5.3 g
Protein 9.3 g
Salt 0.0 g

Retention time

6 months from the production date

Method of conservation

Keep in a cold and dry place


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Nel mio ultimo viaggio in Sicilia sono passato a trovare il mio amico Giuseppe a Bronte, città molto famosa per i suoi pistacchi. Siamo alle falde dell'Etna, sul versante sud occidentale e Giuseppe mi ha portato alla pistacchiera di famiglia. In questa collina di terra lavica tra gli alberelli di pistacchio mi ha raccontato con passione la storia e la produzione di questi preziosi frutti: «nella Genesi Giacobbe porta in dono dei pistacchi al faraone, anche la regina di Saba aveva una piantagione riservata a lei e ai suoi cortigiani. Nabocodonosor II li faceva coltivare nei giardini pensili di Babilonia per sua moglie Amytis. Poi greci, i romani... gli arabi che diffondono la coltivazione in Sicilia, ed ancora oggi noi chiamamo frastuca il pistacchio dal loro termine fustuq»

Pistachio di Bronte: pride and tradition, a unique product for sweetness and brilliance of color, hand-picked only every two years, at the base of Sicilian pastry and pride of this wonderful land.

Then Giuseppe took me to the Bacchus, the artisan firm of Mr. Claudio Luca for whom he works and who transforms the best Bronte pistachios into wonderful sweets, creams and pesto. And there a world of exceptional products opened up to me ...
