Black tea with lemon 100% organic farming

Black tea with lemon 100% organic farming

by Achillea Montana Farm


Black tea with lemon 100% organic farming

pleasant and citrusy and naturally refreshing!

Made with Infusion of Darjeeling black tea Indian;

Shake the product before use, any deposit on the bottom is an indication of the genuineness of the product.

275ml bottle



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See also the other products of Azienda Montana Achillea

COD: ZACCN01160066 Categorie: ,
Tè nero al limone 100% agricoltura biologica

Tasted by


The ambassador

Tasting a fruit juice or a drink from the Achillea company will give you a moment of great pleasure, all for you!

Yarrow è stata una delle aziende pioniere, attiva già dal 1980 con in mente la scelta di essere in sintonia con la natura e a credere fermamente nel biologico e nei prodotti naturalmente buoni: ecco come nasce Black tea with lemon 100% organic farming

Black tea with lemon 100% organic farming

it is part of a Tea line: strictly real infusions of Black tea certified organic,  with clear lemon juice.

  • We are in Monviso in the Cuneo Alps immersed in wonderful nature and it is here that the company selects the best ingredients, at the right ripeness and processes them in its own mountain factory. The Black Tea with Lemon Biological is prepared with  Indian black tea and cane sugar from fair trade, transforming them into healthy and naturally good foods for our diet.
Good, Fair and Bio! This is the philosophy that encompasses the Tea line:
The best blends
The best fruit
Natural thirst quenchers
So good!


it is a product with an intense aroma, prepared with the best and most valuable organic Darjeeling 100% tea leaves and fruit  that manages to make you savor the natural properties of what you drink, refreshing according to nature. Only the best teas, to quench your thirst naturally!

The selected raw materials, vegetables and fresh fruit from biological agriculture, with manufacturing processes that guarantee the maintenance of its properties and organoleptic characteristics: genuine products, rich in taste and fresh. We work with advanced technologies but with the artisan spirit of the past, the products are real excellences that have been recognized and certified by ICEA, the body that participates in the sustainable development of organic agriculture through its control activities
and certification of Italian companies in the field of ethical and environmental standards.

The company has created a line of juices and infusions, tasty, healthy and thirst-quenching drinks with the use of the best fruit along with herbal, flower and berry aromas to be discovered and savored.


certificato ICEA biologico Achillea
ICEA certified organic Achillea





Preparation time

Method of conservation

Store in a cool and dry place, away from sources of light and heat
Shake the product before consumption. Any deposit on the bottom is an indication of the genuineness of the product. After opening, keep closed, in a cool place at 4 ° C and consume quickly.



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Infusion of black tea leaves* (water, Darjeeling black tea* 0.85%) 90%, cane sugar*, concentrated lemon juice* 0.17%, natural lemon flavouring.


Nutritional values

Energy value

151kJ / 36kcal

Fat 0 g
of which fatty acids 0 g

Carbohydrates 9 g
of which sugars 9 g

Fiber 0 g

Protein 0.2 g

Salt 0.01 g

Azienda Montana Achillea

Noi assaggiatori delle migliori eccellenze enogastronomiche italiane, non smettiamo mai di ricercare sempre nuove aziende che sappiano valorizzare, interpretare e trasmettere al meglio i valori di un territorio e delle sue migliori materie prime, uniti all'arte del saper fare, nella creazione di prodotti artigianali, in grado di trasmettere al consumatore finale più esigente, tutto il buono e il bello possibili!
Tra queste prestigiose realtà oggi voglio proporvi la conoscenza di una piccola azienda artigianale che si trova in provincia di Cuneo, ai piedi del Monviso, o come lo chiamano gli abitanti della Valle Po, " Il Re di Pietra ", per la sua imponenza che, nelle giornate terse, lo rende visibile anche molto lontano dal Piemonte.
Ed è proprio in queste valli che si produce la frutta migliore con il metodo biologico, che l'azienda Achillea trasforma nel suo laboratorio artigianale di Paesana, senza utilizzo di additivi, glutine e con solo zucchero naturalmente presente nella frutta che, raccolta nel pieno della maturazione e senza fretta, conserva inalterati gusto, vitamine e nutrienti.
In coerenza con la decisione di produrre solamente con il metodo biologico, l'azienda Achillea ha intrapreso un impegno con la natura e i suoi clienti, cercando di ridurre quanto più possibile l'impatto ambientale, a partire dal packaging dove si utilizza soltanto vetro, carta e alluminio, tutti materiali riciclabili al 100% che riescono a conservare e valorizzare al meglio i loro prodotti.

In particular, the line of fruit juices and natural drinks represents the best that can be found in terms of quality and satisfaction of taste, as well as nutritional properties. When you taste some of their products you will find that they are very different from what is normally found on the market, because you will clearly feel the real flavor of the fruit!
Even the refinement and the few simple ingredients used in the preparation of the drinks contribute to making them good and original, such as apple and ginger juice, peach black tea or the most classic fruit juices, but which know how to stand out for the high quality of the raw material used.
