Pear Liqueur with Grappa

Pear Liqueur with Grappa

by Venetian chocolate shop


Pear liqueur with Grappa

Produced in own artisan liquor factory, with selected pears and the Venetian grappa, intense and fruity, try it to make your own cakes and for pancake batter!

50cl bottle.


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COD: SLDVE01LQRL2041 Categorie: ,
Liquore alla Pera con Grappa

Reviewed by


The Alchemist

intense and fruity, an after-dinner pleasure to share.

there Venetian chocolate shop   has a long family history behind it with a liquor factory handcrafted. The company started with the infusions And distillates to which was added about ten years later also the craftsmanship of the chocolate. It is here that the two Mengo brothers have inherited the baton and carry on the family tradition with passion and it is here that the Pear Liqueur with Grappa

Pear Liqueur with Grappa

A liqueur with a strong taste prepared with thanks to the long family tradition since 1960 in the world of spirits and liqueurs. It is produced by the artisan know-how with pear liqueur and Venetian grappa in 0.50 liter bottle.

Its sweet and fruity flavor makes it very welcome. Excellent as an alcoholic syrup for the preparation of sweet recipes. It is ideal for filling cakes and you will discover that it is a strategic ingredient for some dessert preparations. Ideal for use in the colder seasons. Must try for the preparation of imaginative appetizers but also for biscuit dough and for pancakes and for filling Mantuan cakes, you just have to try to express your imagination and creativity to experiment with new recipes!

Alcohol content: 25° vol







50 cl. Bottle

Preparation time

Ingredients on the label

Ingredients: hydrolytic solution, pear infusion and juice, sugar, grappa, flavourings.



Cioccolateria Veneziana

«9 persone su 10 amano il cioccolato. La decima mente».
Prendendo ispirazione da questa frase dello scrittore John Tullius e trascinati da un amore genuino per tutto ciò che riguarda il cioccolato, i fratelli Francesco e Simone Mengo hanno dato vita alla Cioccolateria Veneziana. Caratteri diversi, passione comune, obiettivi chiari, primo fra tutti quello di rendere il loro laboratorio, moderno e perfettamente attrezzato, un punto di riferimento per golosi o semplici avventori. Grazie a una squadra di esperti cioccolatieri e il sapiente uso di materie prime sceltissime, i prodotti offerti alla clientela superano ogni aspettativa, permettendo un viaggio sensoriale interminabile.
Le loro creative e fantasiose produzioni non sono mai banali, ma risultano piccoli capolavori d'arte dolciaria.
