Classic Chocolate Heart Liqueur

Classic Chocolate Heart Liqueur

by Venetian chocolate shop


Classic Chocolate Heart Liqueur with Venezuelan cocoa.

Produced in own artisan liquor factory with fine cocoa powder from Venezuela, try it with the coffee, to flavor your desserts or with ice cream! for those who love the delicacy and density of chocolate.

Serve it paired with mini-cups in crunchy wafer

50cl bottle.

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See also the other products of Cioccolateria Veneziana

COD: SLDVE01LQRCC01 Categorie: , ,
Liquore Cuore di Cioccolato Classico

Reviewed by


The Alchemist

Part digestive and part dessert, this liqueur cream with fine Venezuelan cocoa is the best epilogue for a dinner with friends and a very valid alternative to classic drinks, with a high alcohol content, consumed after meals. Sipping this cream is, without a doubt, an experience worth trying!

there Venetian chocolate shop   has a long family history behind it with a liquor factory handcrafted with production of infusions And distillates to which was added about ten years later also the craftsmanship of the chocolate it is here that the two Mengo brothers who have inherited the baton carry on the family tradition with passion and it is here that the Classic Chocolate Heart Liqueur

Classic Chocolate Heart Liqueur

A special liquor called chocolate heart which is prepared with a fine cocoa powder infusion in alcoholic solution in special stainless steel containers, followed by the mixing phase where sugar, alcohol and water are added. This is followed by decanting and bottling of the liqueur without filtering it.

A chocolate cream liqueur with all the intense taste of Venezuelan cocoa. A pure pleasure to be enjoyed at the end of a meal for those who love the delicacy and density of chocolate but do not want to exceed the alcohol content.

Alcohol content: 18° vol.

Does not contain gluten.

Being handcrafted products it is recommended to shake the bottle before serving, it is advisable to serve chilled.

For an original presentation, serve the Chocolate liquor in the shot glasses of chocolate you hate crunchy wafer, produced by the company, the combination is perfect!




50 cl. Bottle

Preparation time

Ingredients on the label

Cocoa powder, good taste alcohol, water, sugar, EGG YOLKS, MILK, natural flavors


Milk, eggs




Cioccolateria Veneziana

«9 persone su 10 amano il cioccolato. La decima mente».
Prendendo ispirazione da questa frase dello scrittore John Tullius e trascinati da un amore genuino per tutto ciò che riguarda il cioccolato, i fratelli Francesco e Simone Mengo hanno dato vita alla Cioccolateria Veneziana. Caratteri diversi, passione comune, obiettivi chiari, primo fra tutti quello di rendere il loro laboratorio, moderno e perfettamente attrezzato, un punto di riferimento per golosi o semplici avventori. Grazie a una squadra di esperti cioccolatieri e il sapiente uso di materie prime sceltissime, i prodotti offerti alla clientela superano ogni aspettativa, permettendo un viaggio sensoriale interminabile.
Le loro creative e fantasiose produzioni non sono mai banali, ma risultano piccoli capolavori d'arte dolciaria.
