Amaro Elisir del Carabiniere with coffee 700 ml

Amaro Elisir del Carabiniere with coffee 700 ml

by The Fountain of Geraci


Bitter Elixir of the Carabiniere al Coffee – It is an exclusive recipe with an intense taste and an excellent fragrance.

Try it smooth or with ice!

It is prepared with highly selected genuine ingredients of the highest quality 

To be served cold at 0/5 °

caffè in chicchi


700 ml bottle

Find out how works

See also the other products of La Fontana di Geraci

COD: LFTPA01MRLCF Categorie: ,
Amaro Elisir del Carabiniere al caffè 700 ml

Tasted by


The Genuina

Perfect for coffee or as a digestif

A exclusive recipe for this excellent Sicilian bitter coffee


Unique products dictated by the passion for genuine products!



chicchi di caffè
with an unmistakable taste


water, alcohol, sugar, coffee extract 6%, flavourings, col. with caramel (E 150d).


700 ml bottle


21% vol.


Excellent neat, with ice, in coffee, excellent as a digestive.

Preparation time

La Fontana di Geraci

L’Azienda La Fontana nasce nel 1997 a Geraci Siculo, borgo medievale situato nel Parco delle Madonie per mano dei Franco e Placido Corradino. In questo ridente posto , lontano da ogni fonte di inquinamento, i due fratelli realizzano prodotti a base di vino ed erbe che crescono spontanee a Geraci Siculo e che sono ottimi per accompagnare dessert a base di mandorla, cioccolato, frutta e gelati.

Their products are the fruit of one strictly handcrafted and made with ingrediants wisely selected and top quality.

The decisive ingredient of the company's products The La Fontana company is the Manna, the product obtained from lymph solidification by engraving the ash trees, to which they are attributed various health properties since ancient times for the body, including: digestive, detoxifying, emollient, diuretic, purifying.
